Formally learning art's fundamentals (colour theory, form, perspective, etc.) for the first time in my life to minimize holes in my artworks and reducing trial-and-error. So, I'm going back to Square 1, starting from scratch. Here's the progress.

THE FINALS Art Challenge #3

November 11 2023

Namatama Masked Concepts (Ended up scrapping)

Using 3D for Reference and Gradient Shading

The final idea of this artwork was to show the unseen side of Namatama.

For context, Namatama is the mascot for the game THE FINALS by Embark Studios. He's always seen to be happy, excited, and smiling, but that's all in the virtual world, what about the real world?

In the real world, Namatama's energy is extracted from a person, who has dedicated his body and soul and energy to THE FINALS, the greatest gameshow on the planet. What does he get out of this, a lot of money, and virtual fame, even if he has to suffer every second in the real world. In the artwork, he is seen holding a Namatama mask, and is looking at it faceless, because his identity is now lost as he is controlled by THE FINALS creators. He is wearing a Namatama outfit, which is inspired by Resk's Outfit (Link goes to a discord server's fan art page). Clearly, this guy is plugged into a bunch of wires which is apparently owned by OSPUZE, shows that OSPUZE is a brand that is okay doing things like this.

Idea and Story behind the artwork

I've been having a hard time shading, so I found this technique where I just made the drawing monochrome and apply a gradient map over it, so that is what I tried using this time, and it gave me interesting results. I also applied slight blur to the image, and then sharpened it right after to create this 80s halo effect around the edges type of vibe.

I also used 3D to help me get the positioning of the composition right. I build the scene in blender using a rigged body and a sculpted head for reference, and then posed the light source and got reference from there.

THE FINALS Fan-Art Sketch

Total Time Spent ~ 2 hours

All references used while making this image

Colour Palette In Order - #FC354C | #29221F | #13747D | #0ABFBC | #FCF7C5

Used [] to generate random colour palette, and then tried to come up with something. I set a timer for 2 hours and ended up coming up with an idea for a THE FINALS skin

October 11 2023 // ~2 hours

Figure Studies + Hand Studies

Figure studies: Left two were traced on top of original reference, drawing simplified shapes instead of complex anatomy. Right two weren't traced.

Hand Studies: Middle one were traced, simplifying into simpler shapes. Top row was just eyeballing and drawing from scratch.

Oct 8 - Oct 10 // Figure Drawing: 20m per piece // Hand Drawing: ~5m per middle row piece / ~10m per top row piece

Figure/Anatomy + Hand Studies

Figure studies: All traced on top of the reference image. I just simplified anatomy to simple shapes and included landmark bones.

Hand Studies: None were traced, they were all done from scratch. Shadow information drawn for some experimental shading practice.

Left - Sep 28 // ~15m per piece. Right - Sep 28 // ~20m per piece

Gesture + Figure + Perspective Drawings

I did these between June 15th till the end of June

A lot of these drawing practices are from Proko's course (love you Proko). The figure and gesture drawings are done through this free anatomy practice tool online.